Modern Warfare Season Four Details Revealed

Infinity Ward teased their fans like never before, announcing that the 4th Season of Modern Warfare wouldn’t be released until a later date. This decision came after the George Floyd Protests were seen throughout Canada, the United States, European Union, Australia, and the United Kingdom. This didn’t stop Infinity Ward from releasing the trailer for the 4th season, showing off upcoming features without a notable date for release. There are intriguing aspects regarding this trailer, indicating that an iconic character from the initial trilogy of Modern Warfare games will be returning.
Those angered by the delayed launch of the 4th Modern Warfare Season can blame Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis Police Officer that murdered George Floyd in broad daylight in front of civilians. This season was initially slated to arrive for June 3rd but now won’t be released until later in June or July, meaning fans must wait a prolonged period to experience Captain Price in the latest edition of Modern Warfare.
MW2 Remaster
Fans wanting to see him immediately can purchase the remastered version of MW2, which graphically improved the campaign mode from the PlayStation3 and Xbox360 over to the latest generation of consoles. Captain Price stands as the forefront leader behind this campaign, ordering additional characters like Soap or Ghost into combat. The storyline for MW2 is considered to be one of the highest-rated in the Call of Duty franchise, indicating why Captain Price is desired as a return character.
False Storyline in Modern Warfare 2019
COD Supporters were disappointed to learn that the 2019 Edition of Call of Duty wouldn’t support a story mode. Fans would instead have to learn about the storyline for Modern Warfare 2019 through cutscenes released with every seasonal release. However, the most recent cutscene for the 4th season is considerably longer & supports an influx of content.
Fans learn that Captain Price was conversing with Ghost through the 2nd and 3rd Season Cutscenes, with him now informing other soldiers of their latest mission. Locations for multiplayer firefights were showcased in the storyline trailer, with fans meant to imagine the conditions Captain Price mentions during these online battles. It’s nowhere near the level of story obtained in the classic mode.