Facebook Loses Two Additional Advertisers
Corporations worldwide have terminated their agreements with the Facebook Company, refusing to implement their advertisements in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Movement. This follows after Mark Zuckerberg hasn’t enforced any company-wide legislation that deters racist speeches, comments, and images on their social media platform. Zuckerberg was caught stating that advertisers will inevitably return to Facebook after finances are lost, indicating that the Facebook CEO approves on racist discussions on his platform.
The two latest corporations confirming that their withdrawing advertisements from Facebook include Xbox & PlayStation. Both gaming companies have stood alongside the #StopHateForProfit campaign, which sets to stop companies & social media platforms from earning profit through the intolerance of others. Facebook is being held accountable by it’s African American, Caucasian, Latin America, and Asian American users to do more about hateful content. Misinformation regarding minorities causes more significant levels of intolerance.
Mark Zuckerberg refuses to acknowledge the concept of enforcing Facebook Hate Crime Legislation shows intolerance behind the Forbes Top 100 CEO. Losing contracts with Microsoft, Sony, PlayStation, and Xbox stand as four prominent cancellations that are hard to recover. All four companies are inherently connected into the same marketplace & level of solidarity, meaning these gaming corporations are holding Facebook accountable to move forward with greater enforcement against intolerant users.
Boycotting Facebook began through Black Lives Matter Activists. Companies like Starbucks, Hewlett-Packard, and Ford agreed to stand firm with the #StopHateForProfit campaign. This movement doesn’t exclusively affect Facebook but also its subsidiary social media platforms, like Instagram. Microsoft and PlayStation Media Personnel both clarified that their withdrawing from Facebook also applies towards Instagram.
Sony, Microsoft, PlayStation, and Xbox Representatives also emphasized that their suspension of advertisements on Facebook/Instagram extended towards “Non-Paid Content”. That means various posts regarding upcoming activities & products with these gaming brands aren’t being displayed through Facebook or Instagram. Both corporations mentioned that their involvement with the #StopHateForProfit campaign could extend past July into August.
Mixer Contract Potentially Cancelled
Inside sources with Facebook indicate that the actions of Microsoft & Xbox will deuterate any opportunities to complete the Mixer Merger. Xbox’s Phil Spencer announced last week that Mixer would shutdown & move towards Facebook Gaming. The likelihood of this happening moving forward is unlikely.